Tuesday, August 13, 2019

FlexCache now FREE!

Recently NetApp reintroduced FlexCache into ONTAP where both the origin and the cache can run on ONTAP 9.5 or higher.  That did come with a license; term & capacity based.  Well, the great folks at NetApp have decided that it should be part of the ONTAP package.  That means that its now freeeeeeeeeeee. 

Hold your horses.  That doesn't mean that you can now go creating FlexCache volumes all over the place in ONTAP.  There's no magic that can do that.  That just means you still need to get a license, but it costs $0.00!  Go bug your NetApp account team to go get you one.  I
n a future ONTAP version, you will be able to create FlexCache volumes without a license.  This may even be a P release!  (All the more reason to upgrade to P releases)

You want to kick the tires?  Go on over to https://www.netapp.com/us/info/what-is-flex-cache.aspx and see what you can do.

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